How can we bring ourselves into a more positive, desirable condition so that our lives are happier? |
In Japan a scientist names Masaru Emoto[1]studied the effect of emotions on the formation of snowflakes. He found that the more positive the energy, with qualities such as love and gratitude, the more beautiful and perfect the shape of the ice crystal. He was able to photograph and document his study. He theorized that if everything is made of energy and vibrations, the energy we put out into the world can affect everything it touches.
One of the ways that can improve our thoughts is to increase our concentration on bringing more positive qualities into our lives. In spiritual paths, these attributes are called virtues, the beautiful names of God, or are even seen as God/desses. Various practices can be found whose purpose is to bring these essential characteristics deep into our hearts.
We will examine here just a few essential qualities which can make our world a more peaceful and joyful place in which to live.
I know I’ll love you
Until the sky cracks open at dawn
And lets the light in.
I know I’ll love you
Until the jewel of the heavens
Falls to the Earth.
I know I’ll love you
As long as time.
I know I’ll love you
With the rising of each wave
Of the rushing sea.
I know I’ll love you
Always and forever.
Nina Massey
Compassion & Loving Kindness
The light was like paint
White paint, thick and moving,
Flecks of green, red and yellow.
Surrounding our heads.
The green was of love and healing.
The red of anger.
The yellow of the earth
Mixed into orange
The color of a need for community.
They needed to be there.
They brought their troubled spirits
And the glow of the pains and the joy
And mingled it freely
With the light of the spirit.
Nina Massey
The first and most important quality for developing better relationships is compassion and empathy. A considerate friend, partner or teacher is desired and needed by all human beings. We want to have those near us, who are sympathetic when things are not going well. We want someone who listens with their heart and tries to understand in a loving way without judgment. Kindness and tenderheartedness, listening with empathy, allow us to help others to work their way through their problems and issues.
Stand up for the truth.
Be a voice crying out.
Crying out
The needs of the soul.
Name the trouble.
Be a voice crying out.
Crying out
For the rights of the troubled.
Stand up for the truth.
Nina Massey
To let go
To leave it behind,
To go on.
Looking back,
Returning full force,
The circle incomplete.
The circle complete.
Happiness, Prosperity,
The circle whole.
Nina Massey
Everyone messes up and makes mistakes. We all have moments of tiredness, feeling ill, moments when we are upset from interactions with others not present with us at another time. We mistakenly say things we later regret. Going back and apologizing, telling the one we have wounded that we regret our actions because we care about them can help to clear the air, if the other person is willing to forgive and accept our humanity.
At the heart of the matter,
It’s the hearts that matter.
The matter of inner pain
Glimpsed deep in sad young eyes.
The matter of outer pain
Expressed in disrespect and anger
Hurting others so the hurt inside is not so big.
The matter of being unable
To help or change the karma of lives
Revolving hearts of pain
Over and over again.
Nina Massey
Is it worth it to ask yourself, do you forgive the small stuff? Do you tell your children it’s ok, it’s normal to mess up? |
Some things that happen are harder to forgive than others, and may need deep psychological counseling. One of the most important things as a parent is to always go later to your child after a difficult moment and tell them you love them. Always tell your child or your partner you love them and care about them before they go to sleep each night.
There are many ways to cultivate forgiveness. One way is to use an affirmation each morning, such as this one from Louise Hay: “As I forgive myself, it becomes easier to forgive others.”[2] The Bible has many forgiveness passages, such as this one: “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you.”[3] In some paths, there are names of the desired qualities which can be repeated daily to develop compassionate forgiveness. Reminding oneself of the intent to forgive others each morning can bring greater contentment throughout the day.
“If you find any fault with anybody, pray for their freedom from it.” Lalaji[4]
Life longing for itself
In full recognition of the moment
When love is fully present.
Wanting that mirror and echo
To name what is there.
And in the naming
Stepping away from the love,
The tiny distance bridged
By the recognition
In the eyes of the other.
This longing to be one
The energy of Ishq
Known only in the mirror
Of the eyes of the heart.
The longing is the need and the knowing at once.
Nina Massey
Finding ways to show how thankful we are can help us turn our thoughts to the good things in our lives. The benefits of gratitude on our health have long been studied and documented. I ran across an interesting page of the web[5] with the titles of 648 articles on gratitude. There are links to the many scientific studies on the health benefits. The bottom line is that any way we can be thankful for the blessings in our lives will improve the quality of our lives.
Try some of these:
Remember to express your loving gratitude in the moment to another.
Send a quick text or email to someone to thank them for something they said or did.
Keep a gratitude journal. Each night, make a list of 3-5 things from the day that you feel appreciation for.
Instead of counting sheep, fall asleep thinking of the things from your day for which you are thankful
[1] Emoto, Masaru. The Power of Love and Gratitude Made Visible. Retrieved from
[2] 101 Best Louise Hay Affirmations of All Time. Retrieved from
[3] Forgiveness Bible verses. Retrieved from
[5] The 31 Benefits of Gratitude You Didn’t Know About: How Gratitude Can Change Your Life. Happier Human. Retrieved from
[4] Lalaji. One Beautiful Thought. 2018: Heartfulness.