I am writing this section on Good Friday during the Covid19 quarantine. Things in our world have been changing faster than we could have ever imagined. People seem to be coming into a new awareness, a waking up. I keep hearing that we have a chance to change the world, to solve some of the problems, such as acceptance of diversity, income inequality, destruction of the environment, war, and domestic violence. It is hard to see the future, how we will come out of this, to see how this time will heal and change the earth, how we will change our lifestyles from this experience. For now, we can see that things will continue to be different than the previous status quo.
We met near the middle of the bridge,
On a sunny, warm afternoon.
Walking over a storm-flooded stream.
Debris from the earlier overflow
Intermixed with loose boards
Of the walkway.
His eyes met mine
Blue with the fear of death,
With the constant worry
And loneliness
Of social distancing.
In that moment of recognition
Our souls met each other,
With the closeness of our humanity.
Nina Massey
This life has given me a new perspective on self-help books. Lately, we have been inundated with emails, videos, social media posts etc. all giving us advice on how to cope with this new way of life. I am in the midst of sitting at my computer, alternating with my phone, trying to teach online and help my students and their caregivers. This is a new way of working for me, a change from 40 years in education in the past. I find myself unsure, out of rhythm, but learning new ways of thinking and doing.
One thing that I have always been sure of, as I followed my path and examined my life, is that we must each find our own way, our own path. There is no prescription for everyone. Only by following our hearts, we can know what choices are best for ourselves.
I have learned to value deeply all my own previous spiritual and psychological work and the ability to be present with what is, right now in this moment. There are so many things over which we have no power today: the progression of the disease, if our loved ones will become ill and suffer, and perhaps even die, the inability to move freely about our communities, to visit with friends, to have them over for a cup of tea and a chat. But if I can be present with what is in front of me right now, and savor the beauty, I can find love in my heart.
And yes, we all have choices to make. Every moment there is a multitude of things to do and to think about. There is love to give and harsh reactions to take hold. There is sleeping, dazing through life, and there is deeply feeling our love for one another. There is running and hiding and there is showing up. What will it be for each of us?
I started this writing out of a deep inspiration to help others find their way to happiness. I have been a preschool, elementary, and middle school teacher. Also, I have been a Sufi teacher for almost 30 years, teaching a class of seekers twice a month about universal Spiritual practices. I have listened to heartache and joy and tried to find things to do and ways of being to lift others from their grief and sorrow. This writing arose from morning meditation, from inspiration coming from deep within and from the Source of All. I make no claims that I have all the answers. But with an open mind and heart, perhaps something in this will help you find your way.
I walk by this tree
At the top of my favorite hill
A long path I walk often.
Each day a different season,
A different look.
The rain will stop
And the sun will come out.
The sun beats down
Making me hot and slow.
The leaves turn gold
And fall to the ground.
The snow cools the air.
A white peace descends.
Everything changes.
A comfort, a hope, a wish.
Nina Massey