I love children. They are so fresh in their perspective, so insightful in their comments, so naturally loving. When children have the opportunity to be around those who respect, honor, and listen to them, they learn to do the same. When through difficult conversations, boundaries are set and the challenges and darkness of the world are explained in a kind and hopeful way, children learn resilience. They learn that life is sometimes good and sometimes bad and that they can find their way through all the mazes and puzzles of living. We can, through example and role-modeling, help them to achieve their highest potential.
Setting a Clear Intention
It is my hope and wishes that through considering the ideas here, you can move toward your life’s purpose with love, harmony, and beauty. Let us all find ways that assist us in filling our lives with greater love, both in giving and in receiving, especially when we are with youth.
You are what you think
When I was in my early 30s I realized that I would sometimes fall into a dark mood that might last for a few days. I had no idea what caused it. Usually, there did not seem to be a precipitating event. I woke up one day and realized that this was happening and I wanted to be different. I realized that I could evolve, change my habits, grow into the fullness of my being. I wanted to find clarity in each moment and know my purpose each moment. I wanted to find a way to stay positive and upbeat for the kids in my classes. I began to look for activities and groups which lifted me and helped me evolve. My exploration of my inner life has continued to this day.
Now I awaken each morning, excited to arise and meditate and do yoga. I prepare for my day by absorbing the energy of the love field and moving in it throughout my day. I do practices of gratitude, forgiveness, love, and guidance. Often, I go through my day happy with the laughter of an easy relaxed sense of humor. Sometimes I weep with sadness for my family, my friends, my students. And yet I thank the Divine for having led me to find ways to change my life, that I might be of greater service to humanity.
Once I worked with a woman who was new to our school. The entire 6 months she was there, she complained about how our school was different from the schools she worked in before. I felt sorry for her because she was so unhappy and discontent all the time.
I wondered if she knew she was making herself unhappy by always thinking of the differences she did not like, instead of noticing what a calm, peaceful place she was now working in.
Rene Descartes, an early philosopher said famously, “Cogito, ergo sum” or “I think, therefore I am.” This saying can be interpreted in many ways. Perhaps most important to the health of our inner life, it is asking us to notice how our thoughts affect our emotions and our happiness.
Where is that loving place in my heart?
That place of ecstasy
That fills with bliss?
Where is that loving place in my heart?
I call to it and it is covered
Buried by an energy I do not understand.
Does this veil come from within,
To be mirrored without?
Where is that loving place in my heart?
Nina Massey
Our mindset is our way of seeing the world. It is composed of the thoughts, ideas, and concepts that we allow to run around frequently in our thoughts. It is our point of view, how we think about what we experience with our senses. We can change and adjust it.
What patterns of viewing the world do you notice in your thought processes?
In Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence, he speaks of “habits of emotional management.[1]” These are the activities and ways in which we ‘soothe’ ourselves when we are upset. It may include functional things such as exercise, walking in nature, talking with a trusted and empathetic friend, prayers, meditation, etc. A less productive way might be eating a big ice cream cone -soothing, but perhaps not the best choice.
In this book, there will be many ideas and suggestions for soothing oneself as an adult, and for soothing others as a parent, teacher, boss, etc. Not all ideas will be for everyone.
But having a large toolbox can help one in responding helpfully when others are in need.
Looking forward: Becoming a hero-heroine
What makes someone a human being you would like to emulate? Who do you admire most?
What does it mean to have a noble and courageous character? Each of us is capable of fulfilling our deepest inner ability to raise the vibration of the world. By finding ways to live and love, to learn new ways of thinking and being in this world with a positive attitude, we can affect a change in those around us. With qualities such as humility, patience, and caring for others, we can help, perhaps one person at a time to find hope and joy in life.
At the Parliament of World Religions in 2018, Onaubinisay (Walks Above the Ground) or Dr. Jim Dupont gave a talk which can be watched on the web at https://youtu.be/AB-Fi31klTs
He is an elder of the Ojibway-Anishinabe of the Marten Clan and originally from the Shawanaga First Nation on Eastern Georgian Bay.
He spoke of how we must live our lives in the best way we can. We can “live our lives in this world in a way that touches the Spirit directly…Everything that we do is spiritual…Live your life in the most direct way. Express yourself in the beauty of life.” By fulfilling our soul’s purpose through the guidance of the Spirit we can bring love, happiness, and beauty into the world.
I offer this day, this walk,
To bless the Earth
Upon which I tread.
I offer these rocks
Atop one another
As a sign to all
Who may pass this way,
That they may be blessed.
May the breath of God
Wave the fronds of ferns
And palms of the devil’s club
In a greeting of welcome
To all who pass this way.
Nina Massey
The Future of the World
What would you like the world to be like in 20 years? In 50 years? In 100 years?
How do you think you can help this vision become your ideal?
Consider this: Our children will be running the world.
What kind of consciousness do they need to have to create and maintain a better world? How do they become the kind of leaders we want to see running our world and caring for our earth?
Very young children learn by imitating what the adults in their lives do, how they live, their habits, how they talk. We are their role models in every moment of our lives.
How is what you are doing affecting others with whom you spend time? What habits and tendencies do you have that you want your children to see? And which ones do you want to hide and not show your children?
This is what I have learned.
To look not ahead nor behind,
But to look only in the moment with love
Upon the being which my eyes
And heart behold.
To look with truth,
With my own eyes
With my heart & soul
Guiding & teaching me.
Nina Massey
Being on a Spiritual Path: Simplicity
One way to improve our being and our habits of thinking and reacting is through inner introspection. Awake early enough each day to have time to commune with your spirit, with your heart and soul. Find a comfortable, quiet, and safe place to sit quietly. Pray to the One daily. Do practices as guided by your spiritual guide.
Throughout the day, take time to think about God and your teacher. Read the writings of the spiritual teachers who attract you. Don’t rush the reading. Give yourself time to contemplate the teachings as you go about your daily activities. Perhaps a paragraph, a half-page or a page a day fills your heart, mind and connects you to your soul.
Attend gatherings with those on your path. Love them and their company. Learn from your companions. See the mirrors that arise to show you the way.
My Beloved Teacher
A glimpse of my teacher through the trees,
I run down the path
With great gladness in my heart,
Knowing the welcoming embrace that awaits.
If only I could remember this
And run into the embrace of the Beloved,
Each moment with joy and gladness,
Welcoming the embrace of the One.
Nina Massey
Thinking About Loving, Living and Learning
In the writings of the great Sufi masters, the analogy of a garden is used to help one understand spiritual progress. The garden of the heart can be cultivated. Experiences of spiritual upliftment, wondering at the beauty of nature, feeling the love of a kind mother or father, or a loving friend, being inspired by the exalting influence of a teacher all cultivate an understanding of the Divine energy. They assist in the flowering of unconditional love, flowing like a fountain from the heart of one into that of others. These experiences bring joy to the hearts of both the giver and the recipient.
Many indigenous people believe that we dream our life into being. Our thoughts and points of view direct us to choices that create our lives. Because many of our choices are driven by unconscious projections from our store of woundedness, we move about as if in a dream, not seeing reality as it truly is.
In Hinduism, the concept of ‘Maya’ points to the appearances of the phenomenal world as an illusion. Perhaps this is because we all see everything in our daily lives differently. We see through the colored lens of our minds and unconscious thoughts and feelings.
Consider your thought patterns. What are the things in the outer world which bother or irritate you? How are they related to your own past experiences?
What are the things in your life which bring you to a loving state of being? How do you find joy, delight, and happiness in your daily life?
Paint Pots & Spontaneity
The road that has been the most well-traveled
Has deep, deep ruts
That are difficult to maneuver.
Indeed, that are as hard to stay in
As they are to get out of.
Nina Massey
In this book, you will find many thoughts, ideas, and techniques that might help you improve the quality of your life. The energetic state of being in which we exist can change the quality of our lives and the lives of those around us and even the state of the world.
Having worked with hundreds of children from preschool age and up, as well as adults, teaching and coaching for over 40 years, I have watched and learned much about our brains and our minds, relationships, and group dynamics. I hope that there will be seeds of ideas and methods in this book, that will help you to find ways of changing your actions and thereby your state of being, so that you are happier, and therefore those around you will be influenced by your state of joy and bliss.
I awaken singing
With heart and soul.
Show glare tenderly.
I’ll miss you.
Show love tenderly.
Come close to me.
Come play with me.
An angel of the light, the fire,
Reflects the firelight.
The snow reflects the snow,
The night and the stars reflect the night.
The moon reflects the sun.
A puddle reflects the light of the sun.
In the mirror of the heart,
What will we reflect?
Nina Massey
You might want to keep a reflection journal. Try answering some of the questions. Consider just reading a chapter or less each day, allowing your mind to reflect, absorb, and integrate ideas. Try some things during your workday, when you are with those you love when you are making choices about what to do.
The Gates Foundation spent 575 million dollars studying teachers to determine what makes a good teacher. In the end, it came down to the individual being of the teacher in the classroom.
Not the programs, not the school, not the testing, not the rigorous evaluations, but how the teacher interacts with the kids minute by minute. So, how do we find and allow the best teachers to teach?
What makes a great parent?
There are probably as many opinions as there are parents in the world. But if surveyed, parents might have many common values, such as love, patience, kindness, interest, enthusiasm, etc., particularly among those in similar cultures.
Perhaps it simply comes down to the being who is in the room with others, be they children or adults. A human being filled with love for others, with excitement and enthusiasm for life, and curiosity for learning can inspire and motivate those around them. Whatever the role or relationship, if one is fully present and attentive, listening, hearing, and considering what is said with the heart, one can inspire and quicken the life force of another, and have an elevating influence.
Come, walk beside me
Along the river’s path.
The scent of the earth
Rising beneath our footsteps.
Come, walk beside me,
And hold my hand along the way.
And I will hold you tenderly
And soothe your broken heart.
Come, walk beside me,
Along the way of life.
To live and laugh and love
Even in the way of strife.
Nina Massey
A Path
Every human being on earth deserves to live a happy and healthy life. The human spirit can be nourished by our thoughts. Our consciousness is one part of us that brings us to life. When we take our last breath, our mind will then take a respite and stop thinking for a while. In the meantime, we are frequently plagued by unpleasant thoughts going around and around in our brains, causing stress and emotional upset. In this book you will read about ideas and techniques, practices, that can be used to help cultivate develop a calm and peaceful mind. Many different ideas will be considered.
An open mind and heart will hopefully be able to find some ways to bring life into a more desirable condition.
Like many others, my path has sometimes followed a difficult and arduous road, finding my way to living in a state of peace and happiness. Like many of us, growing up in a lower-middle class family in the 50s and 60s was fraught with challenges. Being politically correct was not yet on the radar. Feminism was just beginning to take hold. The rules and strictures of society determined how many of us were taught to behave. Thinking about consciousness did not become popular until the late 60’s when the Beatles came back from India. The influence of the Maharaj-ji’s on figures such as Krishna Das, Ram Dass, Steve Jobs, Daniel Goleman, Julia Roberts, and Mark Zuckerberg did not become well known until the 21st century.
Now mainstream media portrays the techniques used by many of the Dharmic (Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.). Dharmic practices can place one in harmony with the cosmos. In many of these spiritual paths, watching the breath is a way to focus the consciousness, to connect our body and mind through our spirit. Dictionary.com defines spirit as “an attitude or principle that inspires, animates, or pervades thought, feeling or action.”
The emptiness.
Going inside and listening
To the void,
Empty of all thought.
Filled by the Divine,
With that understanding
Which is coming into being
Created and formed by hands
Manifested for all to see.
Nina Massey
How can we learn to direct our minds to ‘inspire and animate’ our lives in such a way that we are happy and successful?
While I was researching different things for this book, I kept running across the word ‘hedonic.’ This word refers to those things in our lives from which we find pleasure.
What are the things which bring pleasure to you? Do they bring momentary pleasure, such as eating an ice cream cone, or is it a deep, long-lasting pleasure, such as that which comes from spending positive time with those we love?
We can choose to live the way we do by how we use our minds. There are thousands of self-help books and gurus out there who are willing to give us clues as to how to examine and use our thoughts to help us. Some say that life is just a series of moments, one following the other in a series until there are no more thoughts or moments. If we can teach and help others learn one thing, I think it is this.
A collection of moments
That’s what life is.
We make meaning of our experiences
When we are present in the moment.
Nina Massey
What do we choose to allow our minds to be filled with each moment of our lives?
There is an ‘unhappiness epidemic’1 in the United States right now. I noticed it acutely after the 2016 Presidential election. Many of my friends were very depressed and feeling hopeless. Others were feeling defensive, defiant, and fearful, wanting to hold onto the status quo. Throughout the year, it seemed that a pervasive mood of unhappiness seemed to sink into many people.
After I attended a spiritual retreat, in a normally joyful atmosphere in which we ‘ate, danced, and prayed together,’2 I was convinced that I needed to do something to help others change this mindset. I began to teach a class twice a month called “Let the Beauty We Love.”3 We studied and practiced meditation, breathing practices, and the writings of many spiritual teachers from a variety of paths, including Sufism, Buddhism, Christianity, Taoism, etc. The topic or theme of each class came from whatever was arising in the group. They included concepts such as love, compassion, prayer, truth, etc. in the hopes that practices would fill the mind with thoughts of these qualities, attendees could begin to lead a happier life.
My own journey working with a variety of spiritual practices has been over 45 years. During the Vietnam War I was in college majoring in Fine Arts, and minoring in Art History. Many young men, injured in body and spirit, were returning from the war and finding solace in the religions they found in Asia: Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism, to name a few. It was during this time that I was introduced to a variety of ways of thinking about ‘God,” that were outside the way I was raised as a Catholic. Catholicism taught me prayer and deep devotion. Art History taught me that there are as many ways to God as there are people and cultures on earth. It is the human spirit’s need to express a connection to something ‘greater’ that is often found in works of art.
It’s like returning to the womb.
Naked and unclothed came I.
Only my essential spirit
Bared for all to see.
I leave here, alone.
No sense of identity, no garb
Returning to my essential self
To become immersed
In the eternal bliss.
Nina Massey
My journey has changed my life and brought great happiness and contentment. I pray daily for guidance in my life. It always seems as if by some kind of synchronicity whatever readings, tools, friends I need to help me do my work, appear. I was looking at a YouTube video and up came a very interesting ad, which I would normally click past quickly.
I was intrigued that day and clicked on the ad. It was Vishen Lakhiani, author of the bestseller “The Code of the Extraordinary Mind.”4 I began reading his book and watching videos from the Mindvalley5 website. I found very interesting and motivating ideas. It appears that most of the Mindvalley employees are young adults, finding a way to work and live in a very innovative way in the world, with the end goal of making a change in the world. It gives me great hope for the future.
In his book, Vishen discusses a new goal which he has chosen, to create a school to help people learn whatever they want. I began to think about what I would consider to be the priorities for any school in the future. This question inspired the beginnings of this book.
Teaching Youth
Perhaps the greatest gift we can give to children, young adults and those young at heart, is the ability to make sense of the world, and the ability to make choices which help one be successful and happy. Helping some to organize their thoughts and their immediate world, make good choices, and think creatively and flexibly would bless them with the ability to create a full life, filled with happiness and achievement. How to do this? Throughout this book, ideas will be given for your consideration as paths to freedom of thought. Try some of them out! Remember it is through doing, through practicing, that we find our true way to express our spirit and the Divine within our hearts.
Throughout this book, you will find many references to the writings of others in books, magazines, and on the web. Many people have inspired me on my path. I hope that if an idea intrigues you and you want to find out more about something, you will see the references to guide you to the originator.
[1] Goleman, Daniel. Emotional Intelligence. 2006: Bantam Books.
1 Sternbergh, Adam. How to be happier. The Last Word. The week, Vol. 18, Issue 886/887. Aug. 24, 2018, p. 36-37.
2 Samuel Lewis. From https://www.dancesofuniversalpeace.org/port/about.shtm
3 Coleman Barks, The Essential Rumi. Harper Collins, 2004.
4 Lakhaiani, Vishen. The Code of the Extraordinary Mind. Rodale, 2016.
5 www.mindvalley.com